Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Luthier Fabio Zontini : Zontini Guitars

About Luthier Fabio Zontini and Zontini Guitars from www.zontiniguitars.com

Fabio Zontini is an italian luthier. He currently works and lives in the quiet of the Ligurian hinterland, near Savona, among the olive trees that surround his house and workshop.

Fabio was born in Milan on September 3rd, 1971. Along with his love for music and for the guitar, his meeting in 1992 with Master Luthier Carlo Raspagni in the latter's workshop introduced him to the fine art of luthiery. In the same year he enrolled in the Civica Scuola di Liuteria of Milan, where in 1996 he received the diploma of Master Luthier and Restorer.

He has carried out researches and surveys on original instruments by legendary Hermann Hauser, Francisco Simplicio, Robert Bouchet and Pietro Gallinotti, in order to achieve a better understanding of their methods. At the Museu de la Música of Barcelona, he has carefully studied the 1859 guitar once belonging to Miguel Llobet and the famous 1862 'Papier Maché' cardboard guitar (a copy of which he made in 2005), both built by Antonio De Torres.

His activities also include copying Romantic guitars (Louis Panormo, Antonio Rovetta, Joseph Marconcini and Carlo Godone among others) and promoting the interest of musicians for these instruments, which he regards as the best for dealing with XIX century repertoire.

He has taken part in many national and international exhibits and given lectures and lessons in Italian and foreign Conservatories, music schools and guitar festivals (including the Brno Festival in the Czech Republic, the Issoudun Festival in France, the Querétaro Festival in Mexico).

He is a member of ALI, the association of Italian Professional Luthiers.

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