Friday, June 24, 2011

Luthier Nigel Forster : NKForster Guitars

About Nigel Foster and NKFoster Guitars from

Nigel was born in 1970, in Hexham, Northumberland. After leaving school at 17, he began apprentiship with well regarded luthier Stefan Sobell. He worked for Stefan until January 1990, then returned two years later and remained until November 2003.

Training followed a traditional path – sweeping up, making tea, learning to sharpen tools, judging and selecting timber, making parts of the instrument, understanding how they went together and what role they played in the production of sound. As the years went by, the part Nigel played in making the instruments, gradually increased. The standards set by Stefan were demanding, and were constantly raised. Nigel remembers, "It was a wonderful place to work, and we made some remarkable instruments."

Nigel left the workshop in November 2003, and the following year began setting up his own shop in Newcastle upon Tyne, where Nigel is creating original instruments of his own design. Nigel's work has developed significantly in last few years and players are beginning to really respond to Nigel's guitars. Nigel says sound of his guitars (the Foster sound as he refers to) is characterized by power, fullness and playability.

Nigel offers a plethora of Guitars, Guitar Bouzouki, Bouzouki and Mandolin family instruments. Nigel also maintains a Blog, a Youtube channel and a MySpace site - one may visit them to find more information, pictures sound clips about/of his guitars.

Additional Links from NKForster Guitars

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